About the office:

Purpose: The Cultural Office is committed to its active role in preserving and promoting the Syrian cultural heritage, with a focus on issues of identity and culture in Syria and abroad. The Office represents a platform that brings together arts, culture, and the public sphere to ensure the presence of Syrian cultural affairs in regional and international discussions related to the present and future of Syria. The Office also emphasizes the importance of the protective role of culture in preserving national identity and its developmental role in achieving social justice. In this context, the Office is committed to implementing the principles of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which guarantees the cultural rights of individuals and groups to access, participate in, and contribute to the development of culture, while respecting freedom of creativity and cultural expression. Culture is not just a reflection of society, but an effective tool for change, communication, and peacebuilding.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Preserving Syrian cultural heritage as a pillar of national identity and promoting its narratives internationally.
  • Integrating Syrian culture into the general processes of political and social decision-making.
  • Facilitating sustainable support mechanisms for Syrian artists and cultural initiatives inside and outside Syria.
  • Encouraging Syrian researchers to work on Syrian affairs, and supporting and enabling their research on issues related to Syria’s democratic transition.
  • Empowering Syrian researchers in the social and cultural sciences inside Syria

Voting members:

Renad Alteenawi

Zakaria Al Shmaly

Siba Kassam

Anas Younes

Ghazal Haji Darwish

Ali Hwajeh